Gas world
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Green Tease
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Green Tease is a gas world with an atmosphere that appears to be a perpetual misty green. The planet is home to an abundance of continents and islands, each separated by a thick, luminous sea of gases. These strange continents are all sprawling tea plantations, filled with fragrant, aromatic tea leaves that sway gently in the breeze, reflecting the glow of the gas sea.
The planet is home to a particularly unusual species of bug-eyed creatures that dwell in the teacup-shaped trees. They produce a melodious music, almost like a chorus of tiny bells, that can be heard all day and night. The inhabitants of Green Tease live a peaceful, tea-filled existence, and the atmosphere is thick with an air of calm and serenity.
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Endemic species
The Green Teasers are a species of small, insect-like creatures with wiry little limbs, large, bulbous eyes, and a fine fur-like covering that keeps them warm in the chilly gas. They are quite adept at climbing about on the leaves, making nests on the branches, and harvesting the leaves for their tea-making rituals. They even possess the ability to spin delicate silken webs from their antennae, which they use to catch tiny morsels of food.
Their biggest feature, however, is their voices - a melodious chirping that is much like a chorus of tiny bells being rung. This music carries through the air, echoing through the gas sea and ringing across the plantations. It is said that if one is able to close their eyes, breathe deeply and listen, they can almost imagine the world of Green Tease.