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Welcome to Neverlandium, the mysterious moon orbiting a distant star system. This strange and wondrous place is home to Hail Mary, a secretive champion of a mysterious ancestry rarely seen in these parts. Hail Mary is responsible for preserving relics of unknowable complexity and origin. For years its numbers have grown in secret, and now they have gathered to make their first assemblage in the midst of the “civilizard” world. This exhibition has already sparked great societal commentary and thoughts arising on the restructuring of systems. Most active during the day, Neverlandium has many strange relics, weird idols, and rabbit holes of words that can be found when you enter the area. Rumor has it that even pirates, lasers, and ninjas can be found here if one is brave enough to venture out! Whoever you are, Neverlandium is a great place to visit and you are sure to find something of interest no matter who you are.
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Endemic species

The Civilizards

The inhabitants of Neverlandium are the civilizards – a species of bipedal reptilian creatures. They evolved independently from all other species in the universe and thus, possess unique traits and abilities that set them apart. The civilizards are a peaceful species, living in a kind of organized chaos and endlessly curious about the strange relics and artifacts of Neverlandium. They are adept at adapting and adjusting to their ever-changing environment and excel at problem solving and engineering. Males and females of this species are almost indistinguishable - both possessing unique signature facial features. Both genders are omnivorous and sustain themselves mainly off the unusual fruits and plants of Neverlandium. Civilizards are incredibly social creatures, often gathering into large clans and embracing the collective effort of problem solving. Despite their peacefulness, the civilizards still possess an innate sense of self-preservation and have been known to fight fiercely if cornered.