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Marijuangi is a hot, green and purple protoplanet known for its thick, psychoactive smoke-like atmosphere. The smoke, created by the planet's burgeoning microbial ecosystem, is said to aid in inner contemplation and spiritual journeys for any life forms that may exist on the planet. Many space travellers bottle and sell its atmosphere as a highly sought after commodity for those looking to enhance their own inner journeys. The purple hues of the planet's surface are believed to be a result of the unique mineral composition found on Marijuangi. It is a place of both beauty and mystery, drawing in curious explorers and spiritual seekers from all corners of the galaxy.
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Endemic species
The life forms found on Marijuangi are known as "Smokewalkers". They are quadrupedal creatures that have evolved to survive in the thick, psychoactive atmosphere of the planet. They have a thick, purple fur that is able to filter out the harmful toxins found in the smoke, and large, sensitive nostrils that allow them to navigate through the haze. Their eyes are protected by a thick, translucent eyelid that allows them to see through the smoke while also protecting their eyes from the harsh glare of the sun. Smokewalkers are known to be peaceful and gentle creatures, often seen grazing on the planet's unique vegetation. Some believe that they have a symbiotic relationship with the plants, and that they play a vital role in the planet's ecosystem. Some speculations suggest that they may have been brought to the planet by some ancient space travelers, but their true origin remains a mystery.