Gas world
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Aspergillus versicolor

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Aspergillus versicolor is an ancient and mysterious gas world, its upper atmosphere blanketed in great clouds of psychedelic moulds. These exotic spores, when exposed to direct sunlight, spark wild psychedelic visions in any creature that breathes them in. It was this effect that caused the original inhabitants of Aspergillus versicolor to drastically change the planet's water sources from potable to psychedelic, leading to a strange re-emergence of life. Fridays on Aspergillus versicolor see strange rituals in which worshippers light candles and gaze on the crystalline skies, as they turn their minds and souls towards the strange intergalactic gods of Harry Caspian. It is said that in these moments, the worshippers experience an ecstatic union with the cosmos, an orgasmic merging of souls with the stars.
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Endemic species


The inhabitants of Aspergillus versicolor are a species of feline aliens called Novitech. They stand 6-7 feet tall and possess two tails that they can use to manipulate objects. They have huge emerald green eyes, long pointed ears, and triangular noses with long whiskers. Their skin is covered in colourful scales, which can change colour depending on their mood. Novitech feed on the strange moulds that fill the air, using them to create powerful psychedelic visions. They are a noble people, led by an ancients council of elders, who are thought to possess great wisdom and cosmic knowledge.